Welcome to Space for Grace!

Youth Programming
All 6th-12th Graders are Welcome!

Invite your friends for faith, food, and fun/fellowship!

At Kent UMC Youth, we are a safe space where students learn to love, grow, serve, and share.
Fun, games, and hands-on mission and service are the foundations of our weekly Youth Group for 6-12th grade youth.
Join us for lunch and youth group every Sunday after worship.

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Photo Jan 18, 12 52 53 PM.jpg

Upcoming Youth Activities

  • Youth Arts is one part of our Sunday youth programming. One of our first activities will be discussing the youth’s areas of interest, which will help determine what activities we focus on throughout the school year. Possibilities include but are not limited to, vocal and instrumental music, puppetry, drama, liturgical dance, graphic arts, and, of course, flying ribbons. This program exposes participants to a wide variety of arts, allowing them to help the congregation engage their senses in new ways as we worship together. Last year, many of our youth told me they wanted to learn how to be more active in nurturing our children’s faith formation. This year, we will continue to build on that idea and discover what new things we may be called to do next.

    If you have any questions or want more information, please contact us.

  • The typical Sunday morning schedule for youth programming runs from 10:00 to 1:30 and includes worship, faith formation, lunch, fellowship, and youth arts. Below is the calendar of some of the upcoming events.

Regular Sunday Schedule

  • This is the Faith Part of our Youth Program. It is where we go deeper into the teachings of the Bible, learn Bible stories, and learn more about ourselves and our relationships with God and one another!

  • Find Out More About How and Why Youth Are Encouraged to Participate in Worship

  • Our Youth Group is for youth grades 6-12. Join us for food, fun, faith, and fellowship. Lunch is served in the Youth Room right after worship. Youth Group continues until 12:45 PM when we dive into Youth Music and the Arts with Stephanie McIlwain Miller. We play games, learn something from the Bible, make new friends, serve in the community, and do lock-ins and retreats. Bring your friends!

    11:00 am — Lunch in the Youth Room

    11:30 am to 12:45 pm — Youth Group

    Our schedule varies from time to time as we plan fun activities throughout the year. Updates are provided on our website and through regular communications with youth and their families. If you have questions about the youth group or its activities, contact the church office at general@kentmethodist.com or (253) 852-3900.

  • Our youth arts program nurtures the Christian discipleship of youth by enabling them to share their gifts as leaders in worship. These gifts may include vocal and instrumental music, graphic arts, movement/dance, dramatic arts, etc. We are only limited by our imaginations.

    Our arts teams gather immediately following youth fellowship (during which lunch is provided) on Sunday mornings, 12:45-1:30.

    This program is led by Stephanie McIlwain Miller, Director of Children and Youth Music & Arts. Contact the church office at general@kentmethodist.com or (253) 852-3900 for more information.


As followers of Jesus, we must strive to be worthy of a very high standard of trust. We are committed to the physical and emotional safety and spiritual growth of all of our children, youth, vulnerable adults, and those who work with them.  Our comprehensive Safe Sanctuaries Policy is available for your review on our church website at kentmethodist.com/safe.

Parents—Volunteer with Us

Please prayerfully consider whether you can volunteer your time and skills to serve Kent UMC youth.
If you are interested, please contact us. We need at least two adult volunteers for every Space for Grace activity.
Contact the church office at (253) 852-3900 or general@kentmethodist.com.

Want to learn more about Space for Grace?

Please reach contact the church office.
Don’t forget to fill out a Youth Consent form for each youth! (See below.)

Mini-golf with Pastor Jim, 2023

To learn more about Space for Grace, contact The Church office