Children’s Choirs & Worship

Acolyte and Bible Bearer Refresher/Training

On Sunday, January 5, from 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. in the sanctuary, there will be a meeting for all children in 3rd grade and up who want to serve as acolytes and Bible bearers for the rest of this school year. Our veterans need a little refresher course, and we may have some children who will be learning to serve for the first time. Parents/guardians are also asked to attend and bring a list of any weeks your child is not available through the end of the school year (or email the information to Ms. Stephanie at before January 5). We know plans change, but this gives us a good place to start scheduling. If you are already scheduled to teach Sunday school some weeks, please indicate that you are not available to be the parent volunteer on those days, even if your child is scheduled to serve.

Children’s Choirs

Enroll your children in our developmentally based children’s choir programs. This is a perfect opportunity for them to participate actively in worship, build a strong musical foundation, and enjoy fun and fellowship!

  • We will continue to work to differentiate speaking, whisper, shouting, and singing voices, learn about loud and soft sounds and high and low sounds, and play musical games.

    This choir meets as part of Sunday school.

  • Kids of the Kingdom will continue developing unison and independent singing skills while learning two songs and playing musical games. 

    This choir meets as part of Sunday school.

  • We are learning to listen louder than we sing and discovering how singing in a choir is different from singing along with the radio.

    This choir meets on Sunday mornings, 11:10-11:45, in rooms 18-19.