Communion Sunday is Food Bank Sunday

As part of our Communion Sunday monthly celebration, we collect food donations for the Kent Foodbank. This is how we express our love for Jesus as we care for our neighbors. On March 2, we are collecting canned/boxed soups that require no additions or just water. Chili is great, too! Please join us by bringing food donations and placing them in the basket in the church's narthex. Other food donations are always appreciated as well.

Drop off your donations in the Kent Food Bank basket in the Narthex.

All donations collected will go to the Kent Food Bank.

Kent Foodbank in Review

Did you know that the Kent Food Bank was supposed to be temporary? It started in 1970; however, the needs of our community and the effectiveness of the Food Bank caused it to become a permanent agency. Today, they have their main site near Kent Station, an annex at Birch Creek, and they serve a variety of additional organizations that feed Kent residents. In 2024, the Foodbank provided:

  • 3982 unduplicated households with 19,912 grocery shopping visits

  • 10,265 home-delivered grocery boxes

  • 807 households with holiday "bonus" groceries (e.g., turkey, stuffing, canned pumpkin)

They also distributed pet food, clothing, school supplies, Christmas gifts, and personal hygiene supplies. Wow!

In total, that was 1,314,403 pounds of food provided. Households are allowed two visits per month to shop for groceries, and those individuals without cooking access can pick up an additional premade bag two times each month. On top of this, the Food Bank supplies SeaMar Community Health Clinic with healthy foods for their low-income patients, Green River Community College with a food pantry for their students, and other organizations with ready meals and snacks.

Last year, the Food Bank's budget was $470,000 compared to expenses of $458,000. For 2025, however, the expected costs are $490,000 compared to projected revenue of $403,000. Now that we are past what we certainly hope was the most significant impact of COVID, several large grants have ended. Every item of food we contribute and every dollar we give to support the Food Bank goes to help our neighbors in need. If you have any questions about the Food Bank or want to get more involved, don't hesitate to get in touch with Sandra Durbrow, who represents Kent United Methodist Church on their board.