Discipleship Training — (Terry Bolender) What is your call or the call of your team in the coming year? Where is God nudging you in 2025? Be asking these kinds of questions in your lives and in your groups.

SPRC — (Desi Mayo) Made a motion to approve the new position of Director of Discipleship Ministries. This position brings together the Children’s and Adult Discipleship positions. It is essentially everything Terry is already doing, and it allows her to go forward. The motion passed.

Finance Update — (Glen Cushman) Finance had asked everyone to reduce their budget requests as much as possible. After diligently working the budget reconciliation process, the 2025 budget was brought forward and passed unanimously.

Roof / Fire Alarm Financing Proposal — (Glen Cushman) A motion was brought by Finance and Trustees to fund the replacement of the roof and fire alarm system. It passed unanimously. For specifics of the proposal, please contact Glen Cushman or the church office.

Corder Gift Process – (Glen Cushman) There is approximately $42,000 available for distribution from the Corder Estate gift. Committees and staff are invited to develop and submit proposals to use this money. Any proposal needs to be tied to one or more of the 8 approved KUMC goals:

1.       Grow our church.

2.       Grow our faith.

3.       Communicate who we are.

4.       Increase social media presence.

5.       Respect and Honor our staff

6.       Ensure financial stability.

7.       Maintain our facility.

8.       Reduce our Carbon footprint.

Proposals must be submitted to the Treasurer and Chair of Finance by March 1, 2025. Contact the church office if you would like a copy of the form.  

Next Ad Council meeting will be Tuesday, February 11 via Zoom