Raise the Roof Campaign
As you know, our KUMC building has served us well, but over time, it has required repairs and replacement of items to keep our congregation safe, warm, and dry. Currently, we have two substantial items that require immediate attention.
The church roof is leaking and requires immediate replacement. Additionally, our fire alarm system is failing. The trustees estimate replacing the roof and fire alarm system will cost $400,000. Both need to be done this year.
While $400,000 is a very big number, KUMC is blessed that we can do this work without taking out a loan. However, we do need to raise $80,000 to supplement the savings and gifts we already have. Please prayerfully consider what you can give to bless those who have gone before us and those who will follow, all worshiping under the roof of our beloved KUMC. Every gift is important, no matter the size.
How can I donate to the Raise the Roof campaign?
You can donate by check written to KUMC with Raise the Roof in the note.
You can donate cash in an envelope earmarked for the Raise the Roof Campaign.
You can donate online via our KUMC app* or the Kent United Methodist Church website; select Raise the Roof in the drop-down menu.
Len Whalen, KUMC Finance Chair
Rachael Robinett, Ad Council Co-Chair
*Go to the App Store on your device and search for Kent United Methodist Church.
Click the Install button, and you’re all set!
Text KentUMCApp to 77977 and follow the link.