Thank You for a Wonderful Christmas Pageant and Bethlehem Village

Congratulations to all of the children and youth (and many adults!) who participated in the Christmas Pageant on December 15! You did a wonderful job sharing the story of “When Heaven & Earth Meet.” People are still talking about the surprise appearance of singing sheep! Bethlehem Village was a fun way to finish the morning!

There are many people to thank—it truly took a village to help behind the scenes for both the pageant and Bethlehem Village! (See list on page 3). We also want to be sure to thank all of the parents and grandparents who helped the children work on their lines, learn the songs, and make sure they got to church each Sunday for rehearsals. All of the children knew their parts well and could be clearly understood—their work at home paid off!

Thank you to Sandra Durbrow for stepping up to lead Bethlehem Village. There were a lot of moving parts to Bethlehem Village, and your direction and leadership not only produced a great event but also made the work fun!

And thank you to Stephanie McIlwain Miller (along with the terrific support of her husband, Kevin Miller) for your tireless direction of the pageant. Your energy and vision are contagious!

Every one of you—children, youth, and adults—did a beautiful job sharing the message of God’s work in the world through the birth of Jesus. Thank you so much!

If you want to watch or share the pageant on YouTube, you can find the full worship service here:  Sunday, December 15, 2024, Christmas Pageant

Pageant Photos

Bethlehem Village

Please contact us with questions or if you are interested in getting involved.