We joyfully embrace God's acceptance and love of all people.
We joyfully embrace God's acceptance and love of all people.
Join us during the season of Epiphany as we learn what the Bible says about who God is, God’s name, and what God says about what’s important. You are encouraged to join a small Discipleship Group or read independently as we discuss the book God Has a Name by John Mark Comer.
In God Has a Name, the author invites you to rethink many prevalent myths and misconceptions about God and weigh them against what God tells us about himself. After all, what you believe about God will ultimately shape the type of person you become.
To join a small group, talk to Terry Bolender (tbolender@kentmethodist.com). We will have a few copies of the book available at the church for purchase beginning January 5 for $16, or you may order directly from amazon.com using this link: God Has a Name: What You Believe About God Will Shape Who You Become: Comer, John Mark: 9781400249589: Amazon.com: Books. The book is also available on Kindle or in audiobook format.
2025 is the year for us to be formed into the people and the church that God has always wanted us to be. Are you ready for a change?
Just before New Year’s 2008 the Tacoma News Tribune ran an article in SOUNDLIFE in which journalists took best intentions for change one step further, making New Year’s resolutions for their colleagues. Each journalist took a close look at a friend’s life then wrote a suggestion of a new year’s practice for them. This would have been a fun thing to do at a party. But they didn’t stop there. They all made commitments to one another to help each person keep their resolutions. Film critics went on hikes with outdoor writers, art critics played video games with tech writers. Playful and silly, yes. But, there is more here than you might guess. They invested in one another and the change they wanted to see in their lives. Doing change together makes all the difference!
Imagine your closest spiritual friends, family, and people from church – folks that you love and trust – imagine them looking closely at your life and suggesting some changes that might help you to submit your heart to God, or keep your eyes on God’s glory, or rely more completely on Jesus in your everyday life. Imagine these spiritual friends helping you to stay on track, to practice discipline, and take the next steps to grow and change in 2025.
Are we really committed to change in our lives and in the world? Are we committed enough to change that we are willing to listen to other people’s ideas about what needs to change in our lives? And then, to work on it together? In the coming days, I’m going to ask my family to do this with me.
This is my hope for you and for our church in 2025: intentional, disciplined, Godly change.
Discipleship small groups have been around almost as long as New Year’s resolutions because they are the best way to let God change your life. Discipleship Small Groups are also the best way to work on changing the world. Changed lives and changed world is the mission of our church, the one new year’s resolution that every Christian shares. Ready to make a resolution for change?
Talk with Terry Bolender or me today about joining a small group of loving, spiritual friends who will help you grow in faith and trust God more deeply. 2025 is the year for us to be formed into the people and the church that God has always wanted us to be. Are you ready for a change?
One of Your Partners Along on the Jesus Way,
Pastor Jim
Epiphany Worship
Knowing God is important. How you define God defines who you because you become what you worship. While every church you have ever been a part of talks about God but how often do we get specific about who and what God actually is? Turns out that God has a name. Like all names, it is revealing. Join Pastor Jim in the season of Epiphany for a deep dive into what the Bible says about who God is, God’s name, and what God says about what’s important. Consider also joining a Discipleship Small Group for a study of John Mark Comer’s book, God Has a Name.
January 5, 2025
Epiphany Sunday
Matthew 2:1-12
January 12, 2025
Baptism of the Lord
Luke 3:15-17 and 21-22
Acts 8:14-17
January 19, 2025
What You Believe About God Shapes You
Exodus 33:18 – Exodus 34:10
January 26, 2025
God Has a Name
Exodus 34:1-7
The church office follows the Kent School District guidelines for weather-related closures. If you need anything, please email us at general@kentmethodist.com or call or email the staff using their personal contact numbers. kent.k12.wa.us/page/school-closures-delays
We, the Kent United Methodist Church, commit to continuing to decrease our carbon footprint as measured by the EPA Portfolio Manager metrics to attain the goal of becoming an Energy Star Building by the year 2030. The measurements include our use of electricity, gas, water, and disposal of garbage, recycling, and compost.
Energy Star Score for 2019—30 for 2022—43 for 2023— 59
Energy Star Target Goal: 75 by the year 2030
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